March Offer!

During MARCH we are offering BUY 2 GET 1 FREE on any of our spectacle accessories, dry eye and blepharitis treatments!

December Offer!

During DECEMBER we are offering BUY 2 GET 1 FREE on any of our spectacle accessories, dry eye and blepharitis treatments!

Guide Dog Charity Event

Thank you to everyone who supported our charity bake sale and sweep stake event. We raised a whopping £70.71 for the Guide Dog Charity! A big well done to Marie for winning the sweepstake!

November Offer!

During November when you order a pair of spectacles you can receive 50% discount on a second pair!

October Offer!

During October we are offering 20% discount off any of our Transitions reactive lenses!

September Offer!

During SEPTEMBER we are offering BUY 2 GET 1 FREE on any of our spectacle accessories, dry eye and blepharitis treatments!

August Offer!

During August when you order a pair of spectacles you can receive 50% discount on a second pair!

July Offer!

During July we are offering 20% discount off any of our Transitions reactive lenses!


During JUNE we are offering BUY 2 GET 1 FREE on any of our spectacle accessories, dry eye and blepharitis treatments!

May Offer!

During May we are offering 20% discount off any of our Transitions reactive lenses.